
 Welcome to our Admissions page! Thank you for considering us and trusting your education in God's word to us. To claim your $1,000 tuition scholarship, applied to your total program cost, Please kindly fill out the form below, and one of our friendly counselors will reach out as soon as possible to help you complete the admissions requirements. Thank you and God bless!

HBITS Application for Admission

Please fill out the Application in it's entirety. Lack of information could result in the delay or rejection of your application.

Mailing Address

Contact Information

General Information

Are You? Male Female

Have you successfully completed at least one of the following?

G.E.D. High School A High School Level Home Schooling Program

Are you a church member? Yes No

Are you ordained? Yes No

Are you currently serving in vocational or volunteer ministry? Yes No

Enrollment Questions

How did you find HBITS? Google Radio  Referral  Other

How do you wish to pay your tuition?

Pre-payment in full (You will receive a discount) Down Payment + Montly recurring payment

Into which program are you seeking enrollment?

Associates Bachelors Masters Associate-Bachelor Combination Associate Bachelor-Master Combination Doctoral Level (Requires Special Acceptance) 

Which of the following courses of Study do you wish to follow?

Biblical Studies Theology Ministry Christian Education  

Are you currently enrolled in another school? Yes No

If so, please list the name and address of the school, as well as their website.

Will you be transferring credits from this school? Yes No

If so, how many? (You can approximate if you wish. Please note that the seminary reserves the right to accept or reject any previous credits)

Have you earned a degree from any previous school? Yes No

Please share your testimony with us below. Be thorough, and use scripture where able and appropriate.


I understand that falsification on this application will result in my immediate dismissal from the school and all of its programs. I also understand that all tuition and fees paid to the school are non-refundable. I agree to respect the doctrines of the school and I also promise that I will strive to maintain a clean life and Christian testimony while enrolled in the Harvest Bible Institute and Theological Seminary.

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