

Many students wish to apply for tuition scholarships here at HBITS! We welcome you to do so by carefully doing the following two things:

1.) Carefully read this document in it's entirety.
2.) Fill out the admissions form by clicking the admissions tab on this website, and mention scholarship in the comments section. 

3.) One our friendly admissions counsellors will then contact you regarding your application, finalizing information, and getting you out your information packet and intent to attend forms. 

God bless you as you seek to serve Him! 

Scholarship Information


  • Name of the scholarship

    Baptist Theological Heritage Scholarship
  • Deadline date

    July 15, 2016
  • Detailed description

    In order to help combat the rising cost of theological education at the undergrad and graduate levels, HBITS is awarding 350 full tuition scholarships to students meeting the criteria herein listed.
    The following rules apply:

    1.) The student must be entering the seminary at the undergraduate level, that means taking a first Associates or Bachelor's degree program.
    2.) The student must be intending on earning their bachelor's degree at a minimum
    3.) The students awarded, must show proof of having graduated high school
    4.) The students must commit to attending the Houston, TX campus.
    5.) The student must understand these guidelines, and understand that at this time, student housing is not available. If the student wishes to avail himself of this scholarship, they must live in, near, or around Houston, TX or be willing to move or commute as necessary.
    6.) The student will agree to the seminary code of conduct, and the privacy policy as listed on our website at
    7.) The student must formally apply and be accepted to the seminary.
    8.) The student must attend our on site final registration event on July 29, 2016 at our Houston, TX campus.

    The criteria for awarding the scholarship is simple:

    1.) The student must agree to all of the above
    2.) The student must show proof of graduating from High School (transcripts will be required-they can be mailed after the enrollment process, but the student can not graduate without them.)
    3.) The student must attend the campus worship service on Sunday at 11AM. All other attendance is encouraged but not required.
    4.) The student agrees and understands that, if accepted for a scholarship, that TUITION is covered 100%, however small cost still exist. (Books, Graduation Fees/Admin Fees and Regalia for graduation, some of this is optional, some is not)
    5.) The Baptist Institute and Theological Seminary is a Registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Public Charity and thrives off of the love offerings of others to cover expenses. In appreciation of HBITS giving away the tuition, we would kindly ask students to consider giving a recurring love offering of any amount through our website at     You can verify our non-profit status here:
    4.) The first 350 students meeting this criteria will automatically be accepted and the program will then be closed.
  • Value of the scholarship

    If students enter at the Associates Level and complete 4 Years (Bachelor Degree) in any of our programs of Study, the value of the scholarship will be $9,900.00 Including tuition, and partially waved fees associated with the scholarship.
  • Number of scholarships available

    Only 350 scholarships are available on a first come first served basis. Students wishing to inquire should fill out the application for admission form on our website at:
  • Minimum SAT/ACT and GPA

  • To enter into our Associates program, one must show successful completion of High School or equivalent. For Bachelor's programs and higher, must show transcripts so that evaluation of transferable credits may be made.
  • Residency Requirement(s)

    Though there are no specific residency requirements, our campus is located in Houston, TX and students are required to attend classes in person.
  • School Year

    2016-School Year will start in August 2016 with a mandatory orientation on July 29, 2016 at 7 PM. 
  • Major

    Selected Majors include Bible Studies, Theology, Ministry
  • Required college state

    Does Not Apply
  • Required college or university

    Does Not Apply
  • Required race or heritage

    Does Not Apply
  • Required student activities: such as clubs, professional or civic organizations or particular extracurricular activities

    Students will be required to attend chapel worship services for the Seminary, Sunday at 11 AM. Services are Hosted by the Bauman Road Missionary Baptist Church, in Houston, TX. The seminary is hosted by the same church and the address on our website, and in our privacy policy, and brochures is the same.
  • Any parental requirements, such as a union membership or active military or veteran

    Does Not Apply
  • U.S. Citizenship

    Proof of US Citizenship is required.
  • Specific disabilities, if applicable

    Does Not Apply
  • Religion or religious heritage

    While we have students of many religious heritages or backgrounds, HBITS is purely Baptist in it's instruction, teaching and doctrine. All associates of the college, professors, or churches, and affiliates are Baptist as well. While we recognize the right of each student in accordance with their own conscience to choose thier religious belief system, spreading of doctrine or teachings contrary to the seminary's teachings are not allowed. We invite everyone to attend our seminary, but respect our right to teach our beliefs in the same manner we would respect yours in your place of worship.
  • Sports or hobbies

    Some sports teams are in the process of development, expected to be launched in the 2016-2017 school year.
  • Gender

    Men or Women are free to apply for the scholarship. Please note: HBITS defines women and men in the biblical sense, what they biologically ARE, and does not recognize the right to 'self identify' as something other than what they are biologically. This right is protected by the US Constitution allowing for the free unrestricted practice of one's religious convictions.
  • Marital status

    Any marital status is allowed, (Married, Single, Divorced, Widowed/Widower)  so long as it is a scriptural, biblical marriage. HBITS does not recognize homosexual marriage as the bible calls it an abomination. We stand on traditional biblical principles outlined by the bible identifying men and women as such in accordance with what they biologically are at birth.

    For more information of specific beliefs, find our doctrinal statement on our about us page on our website at:

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